Welcome to FeedMe for business!

FeedMe for business offers a unique concept to optimize your establishment's operations by integrating our management panel and application. This will make your service highly efficient and cost-effective, reducing time for order processing and staff management.


What is the FeedMe panel?

It's a flexible web tool not tied to a specific device or location. You can easily use it on your phone, tablet, computer, laptop, or panel, providing convenient access and management of your establishment anytime, anywhere.

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Maximum Efficiency

Our solution contributes to reducing the time spent on order processing and staff management. By using our management panel and application, you can significantly enhance operational efficiency, leading to increased business profitability.

Increased Adaptability

Our solution allows easy adaptation to changing business needs, thanks to a wide range of settings and management capabilities. You can quickly respond to changes in demand and maintain a high level of service.

Attracting New Customers

With our solution, you can create attractive promotions and offers to attract new customers, as well as efficiently manage reviews and feedback, strengthening your establishment's reputation and increasing its popularity.

FeedMe - an innovative solution designed for restaurant owners and their customers.

  • Uniqueness in combination: The combination of the mobile and web application provides synergy, simplifying and speeding up the customer service process by eliminating the procedural call to the waiter and order-taking.
  • Maximum accessibility: The application is available for download on devices with iOS and Android operating systems, and the management panel is accessible through the web interface, allowing business management from any internet-connected device.
  • FeedMe is a modern solution created to enhance convenience and efficiency for both restaurant owners and their customers.
  • Join us today and discover how FeedMe for business can help you optimize your establishment's operations and increase its profitability!
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